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Health & Safety Policy

Date of next review: April 2025


Statement of Intent

The Camberwell Skylarks are committed to the health and welfare of those attending the group, including volunteers, carers and visitors. The aim of this policy is to provide a safe and healthy environment in which to meet and to ensure that everyone who comes has the necessary information to keep safe. At the same time, we expect people to take reasonable precautions to look after themselves and others during meetings and on group outings.

The singing groups registration document invites members to give information on their health and mobility needs so that we can make reasonable adjustments in singing sessions and outings, in order to make them as safe and accessible as possible.

The specific objectives of the policy are to:

  • prevent accidents

  • manage health and safety risks

  • provide clear instructions and information

  • promote a safe and healthy environment

  • set out emergency and evacuation procedures

  • offer opportunities for consultation and review

Responsibilities for health & safety

The Musical Director and committee are responsible for the welfare of the group during meetings and outings, working within the guidelines of the venue hirer, who retains responsibility for overall safety of the premises. The Musical Director are expected to have professional liability insurance, but the committee are asked to agree procedures set out in this policy and relevant risk assessments. Members of Camberwell Skylarks may also be consulted on various aspects of the policy and will be informed of any major changes.

The Musical Director and committee will aim to ensure that the agreed measures are put in place and will review the policy annually, or as necessary (eg, following an accident or public health emergency). The Musical Director will keep a record of accidents.

Arrangements for health & safety

  • Risk Assessment

The Musical Director will prepare a general risk assessment, covering known hazards of meeting at the venue. This will be reviewed annually or as necessary (eg, following an accident or public health emergency), in consultation with the committee and members. Further risk assessments may be prepared for concerts and attendance at community events, if appropriate.

  • Setting up and clearing away


To avoid injury, it has been agreed that no one should start setting out chairs or moving large furniture while alone on the premises. Electric cables should be carefully arranged to minimise potential trip hazards. Fire doors must be kept clear at all times.


  • Consultation and review

The Musical Director will follow government guidance and advice from professional bodies, such as community music networks, who offer expertise and support for singing in a safe environment. Any major changes in the policy or risk assessment will be discussed with the whole group where possible and ratified by committee. This policy will be reviewed annually by the Musical Director and committee.

  • Evacuation

All those attending are asked to sign the weekly register on arrival so that there is a record of everyone present. In the event of emergency evacuation, the Musical Director will take the register and lead a group out to the fire assembly point to check that everyone can be accounted for.



Signed …………………………………………… Date ……………………………………….

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